Samy —Hellooo! Since the age of El Santo and Kaliman,there's been no word about Mexicanish super-heroes...this situation isn't an unresolved mystery;so,today we begin the presentation of the very true and authentic Reasons Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-Heroes...
Magazine cover —Sensational Espaun
The Maestro —I am The Maestro!!
Doriancito —Wouldn't you settle if I call you "My-stro"? It suits you better!
-Reason Nº 1 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...
Notes in English
In Spanish,the word 'Maestro' means both 'master' and 'teacher'.Now,unrefined Mexican instead of pronuncing the word as 'Mah-ehz-troh' they usually say 'My-stroh'.Many Mexican people use the later pronunciation when poking fun on a teacher,insinuating that the teacher himself is ironically not very well educated at all.
This joke was a very silly one and possibly not funny at all even by Mexican standards,but well,it's still the first one I made in the series.
Notas en Español
Entre los mexicanos con poca educación gramatical,la palabra 'Maestro' es pronunciada a veces como 'máistro'.Por lo mismo,mucha gente suele usar deliberadamente la pronunciación incorrecta para hacerle burla a quienes poseen una maestría,insinuando de forma irónica que su nivel educativo no es tan refinado como su profesión lo exige.
Este chiste es exageradamente simplón y creo que ni resulta muy gracioso que digamos,pero bueh,no deja de ser el primero que hice dentro de la serie.