Spider-man —I'M A DAD!! Mary Jane,How are you and the...baby?!?! Qué?!
Mary Jane —Aw,look tiger:he's got your eyes!
Baby —Agoo!
Samy —Where are you going Mr. Ezpaoon? Won't you stay for the baby shower?
Spawn —Er...I gotta go,my "Spider-sense" tells me that my mom is calling me...Smell ya!
-Reason Nº 57 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...(-Today's episode:Look who's spawning now...)
Notes in English
Back in the '90s,Spider-man was married to Mary Jane,and she got pregnant.In a confusing and awful plot twist,the baby died because the editors thought that making Spider-man a father figure would make him look older and then lose appeal among younger fans.I drew this cartoon as a homage of what could have been if the baby lived —kinda
Spawn is included here because of a joke among friends.We didn't understand the popularity of the character among fans,and then we came to the conclution that it surely was because design-wise he was like «the bastard son of Spider-man and Batman».
Benito B. Bodoque was the name of Benny the Ball in the Spanish-dubbed episodes of Top Cat.That animated series is a cult thing in Mexico;and Benito's name is in the bed as a reference to the episode 'Top Cat Falls In Love',which begins with Benito in a hospital after a tonsillectomy.
Notas en Español
Allá por los 90's,Spider-man estaba casado con Mary Jane,y ella estaba embarazada.En un giro narrativo confuso y horroroso,el bebé murió debido a que los editores consideraron que convertir a Spider-man en una figura paternal lo haría verse más viejo y así perdería atractivo entre los fans más jóvenes.Dibujé este cartón como un homenaje a lo que pudo haber sido si el bebé hubiera vivido —más o menos
Spawn está incluído aquí debido a un chiste entre amigos.No comprendíamos la popularidad del personaje entre los fans,y llegamos a la conclusión de que seguramente era por que su diseño lo hacía parecer «el hijo bastardo de Spider-man y Batman».
Benito B. Bodoque era,por supuesto,el nombre de uno de los canchanchanes de Don Gato en la serie animada homónima.Dicha serie es objeto de culto en México;y el nombre de Benito está en la cama en referencia al episodio 'Top Cat Falls In Love',el cual inicia con Benito en una cama de hospital tras haber sido operado de las amígdalas.