-Reason Nº 96 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...
Jubilee —Hello! I am Jubilee and I'd like to talk about my school! Here I'm studying along with people of my age in a special boarding school! My teacher hangs around in her underwear only and the principal has mutant powers that allow him to manipulate people's minds and...bla-bla-bla-bla!
Left note —(Betcha that when she grows up she'll end up wearing a costume smaller than Vampirella's)
Samy —I know that nobody asked me but,Isn't that the very same tale of the Trevi-Andrade clan?
Right note —"Punished...you did it wrong...you must obey..."
Newspaper —They got caught in Brazil!
Notes in English
This cartoon is from the time when Jubilee was still a member of Generation-X.Back then,Jubilee's teacher was Emma Frost,whose costume always looked like white lingerie.The mentioned principal is,of course,X-men's Professor X.
Now,this cartoon is mostly about the scandal related to the career of pop singer Gloria Trevi.She was very popular in the early '90s but suddenly she stopped showing up in the media.
In 1999,music producer Sergio Andrade was publicly accused of sexually exploiting teenage girls under the fake promises of making them as famous as Trevi (Andrade was her manager).Andrade was supposed to lead a private boarding school for girls when actually keeping said girls as his personal slaves.
Then someone had the idea of playing a Gloria Trevi record backwards and found out a subliminal message where a deep male voice repeated «[You're] Punished...you did it wrong...you must obey».So it was said that Andrade used mind manipulation techniques to lure the girls and the scandal got really big.
Andrade,along with Trevi and another singer named Mary Boquitas fled from Mexico as fugitives accused of exploiting minors.The media started calling them as the Trevi-Andrade clan.Months later the police caught them in Brazil.
Andrade is still in jail,while Trevi got free for lack of evidences against her (in fact she said to be just another victim of Andrade),and started her singing career once again .
Notas en Español
Este cartón es del tiempo en que Jubilee aún era miembro de Generation-X.En aquél entonces,la maestra de Jubilee era Emma Frost,cuyo traje siempre parecía como lencería blanca.El mentado director es,por supuesto,el Profesor X de los X-men.
Ahora bien,este cartón es principalmente acerca del escándalo relacionado con la carrera de la cantante pop Gloria Trevi.Ella fue muy popular a inicios de los 90's pero súbitamente dejó de aparecer en los medios.
En 1999,el productor musical Sergio Andrade fue acusado públicamente de explotar sexualmente a chicas adolescentes bajo promesas falsas de hacerlas tan famosas como la Trevi (Andrade era su manejador).Andrade supuestamente dirigía un internado privado para niñas cuando en realidad mantenía a las chicas como sus esclavas personales.
Luego a alguien se le ocurrió tocar un disco de Gloria Trevi al revés y encontró un mensaje subliminal donde una voz masculina grave repetía «Castigado...lo hiciste mal...debes obedecer».Así que se dijo entonces que Andrade usaba técnicas de manipulación mental para engatuzar a las chicas y el escándalo se volvió realmente grande.
Andrade,junto con Trevi y otra cantante llamada Mary Boquitas huyeron de México como fugitivos acusados de explotación de menores.Los medios empezaron a llamarles como el Clan Trevi-Andrade.Meses más tarde,la policía los capturó en Brasil.
Andrade está aún en prisión,mientras que la Trevi salió libre por falta de pruebas en su contra (de hecho ella dijo ser sólo otra víctima más de Andrade),e inició de nuevo su carrera como cantante.