Mulder —Scuuullyyy! I know that we always rely on cell phones,but can't we stop using them while we're in the same room? AUXILIO!!!!!
Alien —I saw him first!!
Scully —Speak louder Muldy,seems there's some static in my cell's [signal]! Tell you what:I'll hang up and then I'll be the one dialing,okay? —How was it? First the 5 and then the 4 of the codes...or was it first the 4 and then the 5?
Asti —Cell phones are so passe! Won't you rather buy a beeper?
-Reason Nº 76 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes... (if you make the call,you make the payment...)
Notes in English
Mulder & Scully are not super-heroes,but are included in this series of cartoons because The X-Files was a huge hit here in Mexico,airing simultaneously on 2 TV channels (3 if you include the original transmissions from the FOX network on cable).
Scully is confused because back when I drew this cartoon the numbering system used in cell phones was changed so it could include area codes.
Along with those changes,phone companies started to charge call costs to the user sending the call (before that,phone calls used to be paid half by the one dialing and half by the one receiving).Hence the note in the gag's title.
Nowadays no one uses beepers.But there was a time when they were very cheap and everybody owned one of those —at least in Mexico City.Elektra is a chain of home appliances shops,and it used to be the leader in the beeper market.
Notas en Español
Mulder & Scully no son superhéroes,pero se incluyen en esta serie de cartones debido a que la serie de The X-Files fue un tremendo éxito en México,transmitiéndose simultáneamente por 2 canales de TV (3 si contamos las transmisiones originales de la cadena FOX por cable).
Scully está confundida por que cuando dibujé este cartón el sistema númerico de los teléfonos celulares se cambió para incluir claves de área.
Junto con esos cambios,las compañías telefónicas empezaron a cobrar las llamadas al usuario que la mandaba (anteriormente,las llamadas solían pagarse una mitad por el que marcaba,y la otra mitad por el que recibía la llamada).De ahí la nota en el título del gag.
Hoy en día nadie usa beepers.Pero hubo un tiempo en que eran muy baratos y todo mundo tenía uno de esos —al menos en la Ciudad de México.Elektra es una cadena de tiendas de electrodomésticos,y solía liderear el mercado de los beepers.