The Thing —Hey,What happened with that emergency call some minutes ago?
Mr. Fantastic —Oh,it was nothing,just a gas leak on San Juanico! I just sent the Human Torch there!
Newspaper headlines -Reforma
—We go the [FIFA] World Cup!
—Punisher:"I have no relations with Chapa Bezanilla"
—Spawn in jail
-Reason Nº 8 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...
Notes in English
San Juan Ixhuatepec,better known as San Juanico,is a small town in the outskirts of Mexico City,in the Tlalnepantla county.The 19th of November of 1984,there was a tragic accident there:a huge explosion originated in a gas factory located there.
Reforma is one of the most important newspapers in the city.
The FIFA World Cup headline is because soccer is the most popular sport in the country.
(Pablo) Chapa Bezanilla was a federal attorney comissioned to investigate some important murder cases,but later was found guilty of fabricating false evidence in many of said cases.
This cartoon is still a personal favorite of mine,mostly because of how cool and relaxed Mr. Fantastic looks.
Notas en Español
San Juan Ixhuatepec,mejor conocido como San Juanico,es un pequeño poblado en las afueras de la Ciudad de México,en el municipio de Tlalnepantla.El 19 de noviembre de 1984,hubo un trágico accidente ahí:una enorme explosión originada en una factoría de gas localizada ahí.
Reforma es uno de los diarios más importantes de la ciudad.
El titular de [la copa] Mundial de soccer es por que el soccer es el deporte más popular del país.
(Pablo) Chapa Bezanilla era un fiscal federal encargado de investigar algunos casos importantes de asesinato,pero luego fue hallado culpable de fabricar evidencias falsas en muchos de dichos casos.
Este cartón es uno de mis favoritos personales,principalmente por lo fresqui y relajado que se ve Mr. Fantastic.