Green Lantern —Yes,he's here,just a moment —J'onn! Jaime Maussan is calling you!
Phone —Hullo...?
Martian Manhunter —What the...? I've already told you that whenever he calls you should tell him that I'm not here! Surely he only wants to keep insisting on featuring me in his TV show!
Marvin The Martian —Grampa J'onn,keep on reading the tale,I wanna know what was what the Little Red Riding Hood said!
Book —Martian Chronicles
Martian from Mars Attacks —Wonder how can I go to Campo Marte?
-Reason Nº 30 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...
Notes in English
Jaime Maussan is a TV reporter that used to host the Mexican version of the 60 Minutes TV newsmagazine until he got interested only in UFOs.He's quite professional as a reporter but he's also a bit gullible and has been involved in at least 2 or 3 UFO hoaxes and so has lost some of his respectability.
About all those martian puns,well,in Mexican slang,extraterrestrials of all kinds are called marcianos —martians.Of course,everyone knows that there's no life forms in Mars yet the term stuck in Mexican culture.The irony in this cartoon is obviously that I drew only 'true' martians.
Campo Marte (Camp Mars) is the most notorious military camp in Mexico City.
Oh,and the number 30 is underlined because this cartoon was my first landmark in the series,as many of my friends didn't believe I could reach that number (at this stage,I wasn't sure about how many cartoons I was going to draw).
Notas en Español
Jaime Maussan es un reportero de TV que solía conducir la versión mexicana del informativo 60 Minutes,hasta que se interesó únicamente en OVNIs.Es bastante profesional como reportero pero también es algo ingenuo y se ha involucrado en al menos 2 o 3 feaudes de OVNIs,por lo que ha perdido algo de respeto.
En cuanto a todos los chistes de marcianos,pues resulta que en el slang mexicano,a los extraterrestres de todo tipo se les llama marcianos.Claro,ya todo mundo sabe que no hay formas de vida en Marte,pero el término pegó dentró de la cultura mexicana.La ironía en este cartón es que obviamente dibujé sólo marcianos 'verdaderos'.
Campo Marte es el campo militar más notable de la Ciudad de México.
Oh,y el número 30 está subrayado por que fue mi primer marca dentro de la serie,pues muchos de mis amigos no creían que pudiera llegar a esa cifra (en este punto,no estaba seguro aún de cuántos cartones iba a realizar).