Spawn —©~@$!
Man —Not again! Someone should forbid Spawn using the subway with that huge cape of his!
Asti —Oh swell,pal,that's everyday life for us!! Mister Chilo! Bring us here the big crowbar! The ezpaoon got himself stuck in the tourniquet!!!
Mr. Chilo —Again? Damn!
-Reason Nº 12 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...
Notes in English
A very popular joke among comic book readers back in the '90s was poking fun on Spawn cape,so I just jumped on the bandwagon.Still,as a matter of fact,Mexico City's subway does have some very narrow tourniquets.
Notas en Español
Un chiste muy popular entre comiqueros durante los 90's era burlarse de la capa de Spawn,así que simplemente seguí la tendencia.Sin embargo y de hecho,el metro de la Ciudad de México tiene unos torniquetes muy estrechos.