The Joker —That Batman [curse whistle].Let's see if one of these days I invite you and Robin to eat shrimp in La Zona Rosa,and then take you both to Pino Suarez looking to the Zocalo!
Brozo —You're doing fine,you're doing fine...
Robin —Holy barroom albures,Batman! The Joker's jokes have gone a lot down since he's friends with Brozo!!
Batman —I know,Robin...Go quickly to the Batmobile and bring me the Bat-gun...I'm going to do a Bat-euthanasia!!
-Reason Nº 62 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...
Notes in English
Brozo El Payaso Tenebroso (Brozo the Creepy Clown) is a character created by comedian Victor Trujillo.Brozo is a dirty,unrefined and grumpy clown that satirizes the behaviour of the clowns from TV shows for kids.
La Zona Rosa (The Pink Zone) is a small district in Mexico City where many shops,restaurants,bars and nightclubs are located.Pino Suarez is a subway station in Mexico City's downtown and the Zocalo is a huge square right in the center of Mexico City.But if the Joker's words sound somewhat confusing,it's because he's talking using albures.In Mexican culture,an albur is phrase constructed with puns and lots of double entendres of sexual nature.The objective of an albur is to show superiority against someone else by implying that he's dumb and lacks virility.Albures can be very complex,because they may sound like casual talk or even poetry yet they have some very rude and offensive intentions.Because of their complexity,albures are one form of comedy,yet a very low and distasteful one.
I won't translate what the Joker actually said with all his albures.But I'll only let you know that Pino Suarez is used in a pun about bending over,the Pink Zone is used as an euphemism for butt,and shrimp is another euphemism for penis.
Notas en Español
Brozo El Payaso Tenebroso es un personaje creado por el comediante Victor Trujillo.Brozo es un payaso sucio,tosco y gruñón que satiriza la conducta de los payasos de los programas infantiles de TV.
La Zona Rosa es un pequeño barrio en la Ciudad de México donde hay varias tiendas,restaurantes,bares y centros nocturnos.Pino Suarez es una estacién del metro en el centro de la Ciudad de México y el Zocalo es una enorme plaza en el mero centro de la Ciudad de México.Pero si las palabras del Joker suenan un poco confusas,es por que está usando albures.
En la cultura mexicana,un albur es una frase construída con juegos de palabras de doble sentido de naturaleza sexual.El objetivo de un albur es demostrar superioridad ante alguien más al insinuar que es idiota y falto de virilidad.Los albures pueden ser muy complejos,pues pueden sonar como una plática casual o incluso poesía,y sin embargo tienen intensiones sumamente vulgares y ofensivas.Por su complejidad los albures son también un tipo de humorismo,aunque uno muy bajo y de poco gusto.
No explicaré los albures del Joker.Pero baste saber que 'en Pino Suarez' habla de empinarse hacia adelante,la Zona Rosa es usada como un eufemismo de la cola,y camarón es otro eufemismo,referente al pene.