Man —DEATH SENTENCE?!? Noo! Don't kill me,Mr. Judge Dredd! I did rob the bank,but it was because my granny died at Chenalho,I got fired from my job,they seized my TV,I'm wanted for tax evasion,I owe 3 months of my rent,and I've got a wife,a lover and 7 brats to feed! It doesn't move you? Mercy!!
Judge Dredd —'xactly because of that is that I'm gonna kill you,to stop your suffering! But now that you've shown me you're such a crybaby,don't expect me to even take you to the Ajusco!
-Reason Nº 13 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes... (Why for? We already have Zorros,Jaguares,Lobos,Judicials,Military Police,Preventive Police,PGR,etc.)
Notes in English
As far as I know,Judge Dredd was created as a satire of police brutality in the U.K.,but Mexican police men are also known for their violent and abbusive methods against common criminals.The ones mentioned in the title of this cartoon are some of the many police agencies and groups in the country.
Chenalho is a town in the Chiapas State where a paramilitary group made a massacre of native americans in 1997.
The Ajusco is a forest and mountain zone in the South of Mexico City.Until the '90s it used to be your typical remote place where you would drop a corpse that you wouldn't like to be found.
Notas en Español
Hasta donde sé,Judge Dredd fue creado como una sátira de la brutalidad policiaca en el Reino Unido,pero la policía mexicana es también conocida por sus métodos violentos y abusivos contra los criminales comunes.Los que están listados en el título de este cartón son algunos de los varios grupos y agencias policiales en el país.
Chenalhó es un poblado del estado Chiapas donde un grupo paramilitar hizo una masacre de indígenas en 1997.
El Ajusco es una zona boscosa y montañosa al sur de la Ciudad de México.Hasta la década de los 90's solía ser el típico lugar remoto donde uno botaría un cadáver que no quisiera que fuera hallado.