Wolverine —¡Venga,pinche tipejo!*
(char) —¡Me la pelas,jijo de puta!**
(char) —¡Cállense el hocico,culeros,escucharlos es peor que verles las pinches jetas!***
Arrow caption —Satellite transmission in a giant screen at the Zocalo
Captions in the screen —Pay Per View (Not):presents the fight of the century:
Wolverine vs Lobo! (featuring Preacher as referee)
Translation and captions by:Audio Master 3000
*-Let's get started,kind gentleman
**-It would be a honor,respectable colleague
***-Please,be kind and start the match,distinguished gentlemen
Samy —Hey,can you understand the captions?
Doriancito —More or less...but trust me,better this than the dubbed version!!*
Corner caption —*In that version,Eugenio Derbez is Lobo's voice and Enrique Iglesias sings the official theme!!
-Reason Nº 44 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...
Notes in English
First,sorry for all the bilingual swearing.
Audio Master 3000 was a company that used to monopolize the translation work of American movies and TV series,both by captions or dubbed audio.The problem with them was that their translations were not always accurate at all,and they softened language a lot —you could be watching a bloody massacre and the actors could be shown speaking in a too polite manner.Either that,or the actors chosen for the dubbing would end up with voices that didn't match the characters on the screen at all.
Eugenio Derbez is a comedian with an annoying voice (he was the Mexican voice for Shrek's Donkey).And Enrique Iglesias is a pop singer.
The Zocalo is a huge square right in the center of Mexico City.Back in the '90s,the city government used to set up giant screens there,so the people could gather there and watch sport events.They don't do that anymore after some conservative politicians said it was a populistic idea.
Notas en Español
Antes que nada,perdón por las palabrotas bilingües.
Audio Master 3000 era una compañía que solía monopolizar la labor de traducción de películas y series de TV estadounidenses,tanto a través de subtítulos como de audio doblajeado.El problema con ellos era que sus traducciones no siempre eran fieles del todo,y suavizaban mucho el lenguaje —uno podía estar viendo una masacre sangrienta y los actores salían habblando con demasiada propiedad.Eso,o que los actores elegidos para el doblaje salieran con voces que no coincidían con los personajes en pantalla.
Eugenio Derbez es un comediante con una voz fastidiosa (él fue la voz en México del Burro de Shrek).Y Enrique Iglesias es un cantante pop.
El Zócalo es una enorme plaza en el mero centro de la Ciudad de México.Allá en los 90's,el gobierno de la ciudad solía montar pantallas gigantes ahí,para que la raza se reuniera para ver eventos deportivos.Ya no hacen eso desde que algunos políticos conservadores rezongaron con que era una idea populista.