Caption —The place:The airport,during the return of the national soccer team right after playing in the FIFA World Cup...
Moans —>Ugh!< >Penalty!< >Mercy!< >Mommy!<
Superman —Stop waving that white flag,the goal massacre is over!!
Asti —...we're live on TV,coach Richards,What do you say about the bad performance of the national team?
Mr. Fantastic —Gee...It wasn't our fault,How could we know that Brazil's team had Dr. Doom as their coach?
Background —Gate 2
-Reason Nº 32 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...(and even if there were,they'll never would win a game in the group stage of the FIFA World Cup)
Notes in English
Soccer is the most popular sport in Mexico.Oddly,the national team (supposed to be a dream team of the best players in all the country) that participates in any international tournaments hardly wins any games.
Mexican fans are used to it though,but it is always fun to hear the excuses from the different coaches —in a cynical way at least.
Notas en Español
El soccer es el deporte más popular en México.Extrañamente,la selección nacional (supuestamente un equipo de ensueño con los mejores jugadores de todo el país) que participa en todo torneo internacional difícilmente gana al menos un partido.
Los hinchas mexicanos ya están acostumbrados de todos modos,pero siempre es divertido escuchar las excusas de los diversos directores técnicos —al menos desde una postura cínica.