-Reason Nº 45 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...
Green Arrow —Hey...Did you see an arrow flying by?
Nightwing —Mmmh...nope,I didn't see anything;hey,by chance do you have an aspirin?
Newspaper —The Hair Braid
Batman kidnapped by the Ear-ripper
Hawkeye —Can you tell me where's the archery contest?
Samy —It's easy;just follow the opposite direction the arrow is pointing to! It's logical!
Notes in English
Geez,this sure is the dullest gag in the whole series...what was I thinking when I drew it?
Oh swell.The newspaper name is actually a popular pun of the tabloid La Prensa (The Press;and a trensa in Spanish is a hair braid).
El Mocha-Orejas —The Ear-Ripper— was the nickname of Daniel Arizmendi,a kidnapper known for slashing his victims' ears off and sending them (the ears,not the victims) to their families when asking for a very high ransom.He got caught by the police in 1997.
Notas en Español
Chale,éste es seguro el chiste más sebo de toda la serie...¿En qué estaba pensando cuando lo dibujé?
Oh bueno.El nombre del diario es una popular parodia del nombre del tabloide La Prensa.
El Mocha-Orejas era el mote de Daniel Arizmendi,un secuestrador conocido por cortarles las orejas a sus víctimas para luego mandárselas a sus familias y exigir sumas de rescate muy altas.Fue capturado por la policía en 1997.