Batman —You'll see,you rascally son of a naughty mommy!
Azrael Batman —You douche! You're wrecking my manicure!
Asti —Stop! Stop it! Don't you know that the dialogue way is always the best?
Doriancito —Why,but it was exactly like that that they started [fighting]! They sat down to talk about TV,then they followed with politics,and when they reached the topic of soccer the fists started to fly! You'd rather sit down and enjoy the show!!
Snack bag —Potato Chips
-Reason Nº 95 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...
Notes in English
This cartoon pokes fun at the KnighFall/KnightQuest/KnightsEnd storyline,but it also satirizes Mexican political correctness.
In Mexico there are a lot of social campaigns sponsored by the government that advocate for 'the dialogue way' as a solution to all differences of opinion.Their intentions are good,but for most Mexicans 'dialogue' means that one single opinion must be imposed over all the others,only because it's the most democratically popular.
Then,in Mexico it is said that it is pollitically correct to always avoid talking about politics and religion so you don't offend anyone because of their personal preferences.But as Doriancito points out,the same can be said about soccer.
Notas en Español
Este cartón es una burla a la historia de KnighFall/KnightQuest/KnightsEnd,pero también es una sátira a la correción política mexicana.
En México hay muchas campañas sociales patrocinadas por el gobierno que abogan por 'el camino del diálogo' como una solución a todas las diferencias de opinión.Sus intenciones son buenas,pero para muchos mexicanos,'diálogo' significa que una sola opinión debe imponerse sobre todas las demás sólo por ser la democráticamente más popular.
Luego,en México se dijo que es políticamente correcto siempre evitar hablar de política y religión para no ofender a nadie por sus preferencias personales.Pero como Doriancito apunta,lo mismo puede decirse respecto al soccer.