-Reason Nº 49 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...(afróntenlo...)
Eres mag —[You Are (or you're simply posing)] Evil Ernie & Fey:and you...are you a rebel?!
Tele-Guía mag —[TV Guide] —We are not a couple! —Hi ma! —New hosts of 'Otro Rollo'! (Adal Ramones was outed as a pernicious mutant...)
Semanario de lo Insólito tabloid —[Uncanny Weekly] —I married a Skrull! Big photo feature!!! —Weird transvestite changes every time he gets wet! And he also has bug eyes (pervert!) —Maussan stalks me! (a real drama)
Buenissima mag —[Juicy] Lady Death:As You Wanted To See Her! (nekkid!) —Special edition with a poster-calendar —Catwoman nude! (centerfold)
¡Alarma! tabloid —[Alarm!] J.C. Chavez seeked a return match with the Juggernaut! —(and he lost it again...) —[in the photo,Juggernaut says:«wimp!»]
Sex-sacional del Espaun comic —[Sex-sational (book of) Ezpaoon]
Arrow caption —Chromium cover (unnoticed because of the lame drawing...)
Note in the bottom —(On a second thought...it's a pity that magazines are not like these)
Notes in English
Eres used to be the most popular magazine for teenagers.Each month its cover featured two unrelated teen celebrities.
Fey was a pop singer with a chipmunk voice that said to be between 16 or 18 years old,until it was revealed that she actually was around 30.
Tele-Guía was the Mexican version of the long-running American TV Guide mag.
Adal Ramones is a pompous TV presenter (and unfunny comedian) that used to host the late-nite show Otro Rollo (Another Topic).
Semanario de lo Insólito is a weekly tabloid that publishes weird and paranormal news.
(Jaime) Maussan is a TV reporter that used to host the Mexican version of the 60 Minutes TV newsmagazine until he got interested only in aliens and UFOs.
Buenissima was a porn magazine commercialized as a hardcore one,but it actually was very soft (there were more skin shown in lingerie ads than in that mag).
¡Alarma! is a tabloid specialized in crime news.Its main feature is that it publishes very graphic photos,almost in a gore way.
Sex-sacional del Espaun is a parody of Spawn as a typical soft-porn Mexican comic book.A popular inside joke among Mexican fanboys was that if Todd McFarlane were born in Mexico,he wouldn't be rich and he'd be either drawing a soft-porn humor comic (instead of a dark and violent one) or driving a bus as his day job.
Notas en Español
Eres solía ser el más popular magazine para adolescentes.Cada mes en su portada salían 2 celebridades juveniles sin relación alguna.
Fey era una cantante pop con una voz como de ardilla que decía tener entre 16 o 18 años,hasta que se reveló que en realidad tenía como 30.
Tele-Guía era la edición mexicana de la longeva revista estadounidense TV Guide.
Adal Ramones es un presentador de TV creído (y un comendiante sin gracia) que solía conducir el show nocturno Otro Rollo.
Semanario de lo Insólito es un tabloide semanal que publica noticias raras y paranormales.Por si no alcanzan a leerle,los textos debajo del Ranma dicen «y tiene ojos de marciano (cochinote!)», y «Maussan me acosa! (Drama Real)»
(Jaime) Maussan es un reportero de TV que solía conducir la versión mexicana del informativo 60 Minutes,hasta que se interesó únicamente en extraterrestres y OVNIs.
Buenissima era una revista porno comercializada como si fuera hardcore,pero en realidad era muy blanda (se podía ver más piel en un anuncio de lencería que en esa revista).
¡Alarma! es un tabloide especializado en nota roja.Su mayor gancho es que publica fotos muy explícitas,rayando casi en lo gore.
Sex-sacional del Espaun es una parodia de Spawn en forma de un típico comic mexicano de porno suave.Un chiste local popular entre los fanboys mexicanos era el de que si Todd McFarlane hubiera nacido en México,no sería rico y estaría o dibujando un comic porno de humor (en vez de uno oscuro y violento) o bien sería chofer de autobús.