-Reason Nº 67 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...
Scully —You say you've kidnapped Mulder? Ha-ha! Don't even think I'll the ransom! I never liked him and his armpits smell really bad!! Besides,I've just started casting for a new co-star!! And also let me tell you that martians don't exist!!
Shaggy —Do you know if it will take much time? I left my van parked in second row!
Man in Black —You ask what I'm doing here? I need the cash!
Sign —Today casting for co-star of corny TV series and movies
Martian 1 —Hey,the broad doesn't believe me,What do we do now?
Martian 2 —Let me deattach one of his ears and then we'll call that Maussan guy!!
Mulder —No! Not the ear! How could I use the cell phone [without it]?
Frame on the wall —UFO Sweet Home
Poster —Miss October
Control panel —Stolen prop from El Santo's
Notes in English
Mulder & Scully are not super-heroes,but are included in this series of cartoons because The X-Files was a huge hit here in Mexico,airing simultaneously on 2 TV channels (3 if you include the original transmissions from the FOX network on cable).
The PGR letters in the background stand for Procuraduría General de la República —Office of the Attorney General of the Republic.That's the Mexican government agency that prosecutes federal crimes like the FBI does in the U.S..
In Mexican slang,extraterrestrials of all kinds are called marcianos —martians.
(Jaime) Maussan is a TV reporter that used to host the Mexican version of the 60 Minutes TV newsmagazine until he got interested only in aliens and UFOs.
The alien with the saw wants to cut Mulder's ear as a parody of the style of El Mocha-Orejas (The Ear-Ripper).El Mocha-Orejas was the nickname of Daniel Arizmendi,a kidnapper known for slashing his victims' ears off and sending them (the ears,not the victims) to their families when asking for a very high ransom.He got caught by the police in 1997.
Finally,the message in the control console is a mention about the classic sci-fi B-movies starred by the famous luchador (wrestler) El Santo (The Saint).
Notas en Español
Mulder & Scully no son superhéroes,pero se incluyen en esta serie de cartones debido a que la serie de The X-Files fue un tremendo éxito en México,transmitiéndose simultáneamente por 2 canales de TV (3 si contamos las transmisiones originales de la cadena FOX por cable).
Las letras PGR al fondo corresponden a Procuraduría General de la República,la cual es la agencia del gobierno mexicano que se ocupa de perseguir los crímenes federales como lo hace el FBI en E.U..
En el slang mexicano,a los extraterrestres de todo tipo se les llama marcianos.
(Jaime) Maussan es un reportero de TV que solía conducir la versión mexicana del informativo 60 Minutes,hasta que se interesó únicamente en extraterrestres y OVNIs.
El alien con el serrucho quiere cortar la oreja de Mulder parodiando el estilo de El Mocha-Orejas.El Mocha-Orejas era el mote de Daniel Arizmendi,un secuestrador conocido por cortarles las orejas a sus víctimas para luego mandárselas a sus familias y exigir sumas de rescate muy altas.Fue capturado por la policía en 1997.
Finalmente,el mensaje en la consola de control (que si no alcanzan a leer dice:«Robado a utilería del Santo») es una mención a las películas clásicas de ciencia ficción de serie B protagonizadas por el famoso luchador El Santo.