-Reason Nº 47 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...
Samy —Where're you going,Hulk?
Hulk —I'll be back in a moment,I'm going to smash the faces of that Chapoy woman and her gang for what they said about my animated series! —I'm gonna teach them the meaning of 'Smash puny human' in this country!! Not even back in the days when Cesar Costa acted like me in 'La Carabina de Ambrosio'!
Doriancito —Okey-Dokey,pal...say,now that you're going outside,could you drop by at the corner shop on your way back and bring 2 Pepsis and a big bag of Doritos?
TV —Well,I would have given the leading role of 'Mirada de Mujer' to Lady Death!!
Notes in English
Paty Chapoy is the producer and host of the Ventaneando [Window-talking] TV show.In that show,Chapoy and some of her friends are supposed to review and criticize soap operas and TV series,but they actually only gossip about the celebrities starring TV programs.And when they do give any reviews and crits,they only talk about the bad things just for the sake of pissing the actors and producers off.
Mirada de Mujer (Glance of a Woman) was a '90s popular soap opera,and its plot was about the romantic relationship between a mature woman and a man younger than her.
Cesar Costa was a pop singer back in the '60s.In the '80s he started a new career as a comedian.In the cult comedy TV show known as La Carabina de Ambrosio (Ambrosio's Rifle,or more properly translated as 'The Poultice On The Wooden Leg'),Costa sometimes made a parody of the Bill Bixby as he appeared in the classic Hulk TV series,only using very cheap effects (the Hulk in the parody was actually a rubber suit).
Notas en Español
Paty Chapoy es la productora y conductora del programa de TV Ventaneando.En dicho show,la Chapoy y algunos de sus amigos se supone que hacen reseñas y críticas de telenovelas y series de TV,pero en realidad sólo se dedican a chismorrear sobre las celebridades que protagonizan los programas de TV.Y cuando se acuerdan de hacer reseñas y críticas,sólo hablan de los puntos malos por el puro gusto de molestar a los actores y productores.
Mirada de Mujer fue una popular telenovela de los 90's,cuya trama era sobre la relación romántica entre una mujer madura y un hombre más joven.
Cesar Costa era un cantante pop de los 60's.En los 80's inició una nueva carrera como comediante.En el show cómico de culto conocido como La Carabina de Ambrosio,Costa a veces hacía una parodia de Bill Bixby tal como aparecía en la serie clásica de Hulk,sólo que usando efectos muy baratos (el Hulk de la parodia era de hecho un traje de goma).