Caption —The place:The Charco de las Ranas Restaurant,on the Periferico [beltway]
The moment:The death of Superman (Who did expect? Paco Stanley,maybe?)
-Reason Nº 98 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...
Jimmy Olsen —You gotta believe me!! I didn't kill him,and if I was in the restroom it was because I wanted to take a dump! Ask the TV hostess!!
Asti —Yeah,right,that's what everyone says...now move,you damn Jimmy Olsen!
Lois Lane —Booo!! Clark...tell me something...please!!
Superman —I won't...ever...return...to this...place!
Mulder —Superman was killed by an alien conspiracy! I've got photos of the UFOs as proof!
Scully —Mulder,Mulder,Mulder...What UFOs? That was your own eye gunk that got stuck to the lens of the camera,you dimwit!
Arrow caption —Check out his long leg,all the better to kick the bucket with...
Notes in English
Another of my favorite cartoons.This one is a big reference to the death of Paco Stanley.
Paco Stanley was a very famous comedian and TV host.
On 7th June,1999,Stanley along with Mario Bezarez and Jorge Gil,both co-hosts of his TV show,when to have an early lunch at the restaurant known as El Charco de las Ranas (The Pond of the Frogs),located on Periferico beltway.When they were leaving,Bezares said he needed to go the restroom and that it would take some time,so it would be better if Stanley and Gilwaited for him outside in their car.But when they were in the car,3 men showed up and started shooting at them with high caliber weapons.Paco Stanley died,but Jorge Gil only got wounded along with some bystanders.
With over 20 gunshots against him,it was clear that Stanley's death was some kind of vengeance.The main suspect was Mario Bezares,because he stood in the restroom as if he knew the hitmen would be waiting outside.Also,Stanley used to humiliate him a lot with his jokes on their TV show and there also were some rumors that his son (Bezares') was actually Stanley's.
Then when the police found that Stanley had connections with drug-dealers,a whole conspiracy theory was created.It was said that Bezares made a deal with a drug lord,and then planned the assasination with the help of an ex-con known as "El Cholo" and Paola Durante,a TV hostess.The 3 of them were arrested,but because of lack of evidence they got free.
Notas en Español
Otro de mis cartones favoritos.Éste es una enorme referencia a la muerte de Paco Stanley.
Paco Stanley era un famoso comediante y conductor de TV.
El 7 de junio de 1999,Stanley junto con Mario Bezarez y Jorge Gil,ambos co-conductores de su show de TV,fueron a almorzar al restaurante conocido como El Charco de las Ranas,localizado en el circuito vial de El Periférico.Cuando ya se iban,Bezares dijo que necesitaba ir al baño y que iba a tardar,así que mejor era que Stanley y Gil esperaran por él afuera,en su auto.Pero cuando ellos estaban en el auto,3 hombres aparecieron y empezaron a dispararles con armas de alto calibre.Paco Stanley murió,pero Jorge Gil sólo quedó herido junto con algunos testigos.
Con más de 20 plomazos en su contra,era claro que la muerte de Stanley fue algún tipo de venganza.El principal sospechoso fue Mario Bezares,pues se quedó en el baño como si supiera que los asesinos estarían esperando afuera.Además,Stanley solía humillarlo mucho con sus chistes en su show de TV y habían rumores de que su hijo (el de Bezares) era en realidad de Stanley.
Luego fue que la policía descubrió que Stanley tenía nexos con traficantes de drogas,y toda una teoría conspiratoria fue creada.Se decía que Bezares hizo un pacto con un capo de la droga,y luego planeó el asesinato con la ayuda de un ex-convicto conocido como "El Cholo" y la de Paola Durante,una edecán de TV.Los 3 fueron arrestados,pero fueron liberados por falta de pruebas.