-Reason Nº 59 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...
Ash —Oh my! Wasn't a fire [reported] here?
Firestorm —Yeah right,you f#¢k!ng Ash!!!
Firestorm's can —Beer
Ghost Rider —Hey...My migraine is gone!
Human Torch —Hello? Is José Quesada* there?
Caption —Or Joe Quesada,it's the same.
Notes in English
The character with the manga hair is Ash,a superhero firefighter.Currently very few people know who he is,but back in the '90s he was a popular character among comic book fans.
This cartoon is another favorite of mine because I achieved the impossible:drawing Ghost Rider smiling in a very happily way.
Notas en Español
El personaje con el peinada estilo manga es Ash,un bombero superhéroe.Hoy en día pocos saben quién es,pero allá en los 90's fue un caracter popular entre los fans de los comics.
Este cartón es otro de mis favoritos por que logré lo imposible:dibujar a Ghost Rider sonriendo con harta alegría.