-Reason Nº 60 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...
Girl —Why,you filthy pervert! Go spank your grandmother!
Man —But I didn't...>ugh<
Elongated Man —What did I told you? Did I or didn't I?
Asti —Hoo-Ha! You da man,Elongated Man!
Plastic Man —That's nothing! Can you see the blonde hottie on the other side?
Girl off scene —Mister...Would you like to take off your "that" from my "these"?
Man off scene —Young lady,I swear I didn't..
Notes in English
Mexico City's subway and buses are crowded almost everyday,and many horny teenagers and perverts take advantage of that situation.It's not something that happens all the time,but if you are not careful you can be easily caught by a nasty surprise,no matter if you're a woman or a man.
Notas en Español
El metro y los autobuses de la Ciudad de México están muy concurridos casi todos los días,y varios pervertidos y adolescentes alborotados sacan provecho de dicha situación.No es algo que pase todo el tiempo,pero si uno no tiene cuidado,es fácil llevarse una sorpresa desagradable,sin importar si se es mujer u hombre.