Asti —Whoah! What happens with Galactus,uh?
Doriancito —Boo...He's such a wuss,he only ate one serving of suadero! Better give me my order for taking out,I don't wanna be here when he finishes the digestion of the enchiladas and chickpeas he had for breakfast!
Taco stand Suadero (brisket) $1.00
Bark-beque $3.00
German shepherd kebab $2.00
Bow-wow Sushi $2.50
Chihuahua special $1.50
Sweaty skirt steak $3.00
Blood milkshake $4.00
Warm soda $2.00
(Pedigree Dog; $2.00 extra)
-Reason Nº 18 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...
Notes in English
In all Mexican cities you can find taco stands.And just like all kinds of fast food sold on the sidewalks around the world,well,it's not always cooked as cleanly and healthy as one would expect —just ask any unaware tourist.Then again,Mexican food is also very hot and spicy,so eating sidewalk tacos can be quite an...er,adventure.
Anyway,in Mexico there's also an urban legend that tacos from street vendors are made with dog meat —hence the puns in the menu of the taco stand in this cartoon (unfortunately I couln't translate all of them and I think said puns don't sound as funny in English as they do in Mexican slang).
Notas en Español
En todas las ciudades mexicanas se pueden encontrar puestos de tacos.Y al igual que toda clase de comida rápida vendida en las calles alrededor del mundo,bueno,no siempre es algo que se prepare con la limpieza y salud que uno quisiera —sólo pregúntenle a cualquier turista despistado.Aunque también,la comida mexicana es muy picante y condimentada,así que comer tacos callejeros puede ser tona una...er,aventura.
Como sea,en México hay también una leyenda urbana que dice que los tacos vendidos en la calle son hechos con carne de perro —de ahí los juegos de palabras en el menú del puesto de tacos de este cartón (que probablemente no suenen tan graciosos si no estás familiarizado con el slang mexicano).