Commissioner Gordon —All right,Who was the prankster?!?
Simba —What happen? What's the emergency?
Lion-O —Wrong number,false alarm little pal...
Arrow caption —Hair à la Goku
Spider-man —Give me my belt back,you ©#£@ brat!!!
Doriancito —Cool! This one can also be projected [in the sky]!!
-Reason Nº 66 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...
Notes in English
This cartoon is a favorite of mine because of its silliness.Then again,the sole idea of calling super-heroes with light signals in the sky is very silly by itself,you know.
The CFE letters on the bat-signal stand for Comisión Federal de Electricidad (Federal Commission of Electricity),the Mexican government-owned electric company.
Notas en Español
Este cartón es uno de mis favoritos por su simplonez.Ahora que también,la sola idea de llamar a los superhéroes usando señales de luz en el cielo es bastante simplona por sí misma,ya sabrán.
Las letras CFE en la bati-señal significan Comisión Federal de Electricidad,la compañía electrica mexicana propiedad del gobierno.