-Reason Nº 78 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...
Robin —...By the way,I've just noticed that are not wearing the underwear on the outside anymore...Is it because your look is more dark and gritty as in your movies?
Batman —Dark schmark! Thing is that thieves are getting so daring that they have already stolen all my Bat-thongs!
Harley Quinn —So...How much did you pay that crook for Batman's briefs?
The Joker —$500...but I think he cheated me...Look! Here's a racing stripe!
Notes in English
Yup,this cartoon is a homage (or a swipe) of a classic Batman illo by Carmine Infantino.The original image is here below.
When I drew this cartoon,Batman's costume was slightly redesigned in his comics.Basicly they ditched the outside undies and colored him in a dark gray.The change didn't last though,as most people around the world recognize the classic blue and gray costume best.
If you wonder about the 'Ramirez' in the underwear the Joker is holding,well,that's popular Mexican brand of really cheap briefs.
Notas en Español
Sí,este cartón es un homenaje (o plagio) a una ilustración clásica de Batman por Carmine Infantino.La imagen original está justo abajo.
Cuando hice este cartón,el traje de Batman fue ligeramente rediseñado en sus comics.Basicamente botaron los chones de fuera y lo colorearon de gris oscuro.El cambio no duró,pues a la mayoría de la gente alrededor del mundo identifica mejor el traje clásico azul con gris.
Si se preguntan por el 'Ramirez' en la ropa interior que sostiene el Joker,bueno,se trata de una popular marca mexicana de calzoncillos muy baratos.