Chorus —Avengers Assembled,will never be defeated
Sign —Impeach Rob Liefeld!
Hawkeye —The Blob,the Kingpin and the Juggernaut will join us later during the sit-in in front of Palacio [Nacional].
Black Knight —A demonstration at the Zocalo?! I thought we were going to fight HYDRA!
Spider-boy —Gee...sorry,wrong demonstration!
Spider-boy's sign —You see it,you feel it...Amalgam is it.
Sign in front of the Avengers —Fair Treatment.(Single) Syndicate of Avengers.
-Reason Nº 7 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...
Notes in English
Political demonstrations with lots of people are very common in Mexico —there's at least one or two each week.In Mexico City,demonstrations are usually people marching through the streets before reaching a government building in particular.Palacio Nacional (National Palace) is where the President's offices are,and it's located right in front of the square known as Zocalo.
This cartoon was directly inspired by the relaunch of the Avengers ongoing series right after the Heroes Reborn event (hence the Rob Liefeld sign).For the relaunch,George Perez drew a cover with almost all the Marvel super-heroes who were members of the Avengers,and I joked with some friends about it looked almost like a syndicate in a political march —the rest is drawn here as you can see.
Notas en Español
Las manifestaciones políticas con harta gente son cosa común en México —hay al menos una o dos por semana.En la Ciudad de México,las manifestaciones usualmente se tratan de gente marchando por las calles hasta llegar a un edificio del gobierno en particular.Palacio Nacional es donde están las oficinas del presidente,y se localiza justo enfrente de la plaza conocida como el Zócalo.
Este cartón fue inspirado directamente por el relanzamiento de la serie regular de los Avengers justo después del evento de Heroes Reborn (de ahí el letrero sobre Rob Liefeld).Para el relanzamiento,George Perez hizo una portada con casi todos los superhéroes de la Marvel que han sido miembros de los Avengers,y con unos amigos se me ocurrió el chiste de que se veían casi como un sindicato en una marcha política —el resto está plasmado aquí,como pueden ver.