Asti —Darn! Alex,Crimsy! Talk to me!
Alex Elder —...'cking...daylight-saving...time...!
Clodomiro Chupacabras —Ugh! Smells like something's burning!
Arrow caption —Creatureus Chupacabrus
Samy —Hullo? Humberto? Hey,confidentially,Didn't you ever thought rather making the 'Sensational Chupacabras Book' instead of Crimson?
Doriancito —Don't forget to call Luis de Llano cancelling the soap opera project,uh?
-Reason Nº 31 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...(and reason Nº 1 why Image [comics] is printing Crimson and not Ejea)
Notes in English
1998 was the year when penciller Humberto Ramos co-founded the Cliffhanger imprint (a sub-division of Wildstorm comics,then a part of Image Comics).It was big news among Mexican comics fans,and his comic Crimson became a huge hit (at least while the series kept on schedule and before its ending was rushed,but that's another story).So,even though the Alex Elder character was not a true super-hero,I had the moral duty of featuring him at least once in this series of cartoons.
1998 also was the year when Mexico started using daylight-saving time.So you can guess that there were —and still are— a lot of people getting confused waking up at 6:00 am with no sunlight,and finding out that at 7:00 pm there were no sunset yet.
Ejea was a local imprint known mostly for its soft-porn comics,usually titled as 'Sensacional de...' (Sensational [book] of...).It was despised by many readers of American super-hero comics.
Luis de Llano was a then famous musical and TV producer.
This cartoon maybe its not very funny at all,but it's a personal favorite because it features the very first appearance of my character Clodomiro Chupacabras.At this point he was supposed to be just a random chupacabras,but later I started using him again and again,until he developed a personality of his own.
Notas en Español
1998 fue el año en que el trazador Humberto Ramos co-fundó el sello editorial Cliffhanger (una sub-división de Wildstorm comics,entonces parte de Image Comics).Fue todo un suceso entre los fans mexicanos de comics,y su comic Crimson fue un gran éxito (al menos mientras la serie salió a tiempo y antes de que su final fuera apresurado,pero esa es otra historia).Entonces,aunque el personaje de Alex Elder no era un superhéroe del todo,pues tenía el deber moral de incluírlo al menos una vez en esta serie de cartones.
1998 fue tambié el año en que México empezó a usar el horario de verano.Así que pueden adivinar que entonces hubo —y aún hay— mucha gente que se confunde al despertar a las 6:00 am sin ver la luz del sol,y encontrarse con que a las 7:00 pm el sol aún no se oculta.
Ejea era una editorial local conocida principalmente por sus comics soft-porno,usualmente titulados como 'Sensacional de...'.Era repudiada por muchos lectores de comics de superhéroes estadounidenses.
Luis de Llano era un entonces famoso productor musical y de TV.
Este cartón igual no es muy gracioso,pero es uno de mis favoritos ya que presenta la primerita aparición de mi personaje Clodomiro Chupacabras.En este punto se suponía era sólo un chupacabras genérico,pero más adelante empecé a usarlo de nuevo y de nuevo,hasta que desarrolló una personalidad propia.