-Reason Nº 91 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...(Spank the monkey!)
Tarzan —Come on,confess you son of an ape! Tell me where's hidding your boss,the hooded man! And while you're at it,tell me who killed Jolly Heart!!
Blip —Pepe el Toro is innocent! Pepe el Toro is innocent!
Frame on the wall —Lacandona jungle,Sweet Home
Kala —Gee honey,Don't you think that Tarzan is old enough for us to tell him that he's an adopted son?
Kerchak —No,but if you ask me,I think that all that violence in TV cartoons is starting to affect him!
Doriancito —Hey,what's the deal with the whacky smoke?
Samy —Don't you get it? They're "Gorillas In The Mist"!
Note —(a corny joke,but a honest one)
Notes in English
This is another of my favorite cartoons,basicly because I'm a Tarzan fan.
In Mexico and some parts of Latin America,violent soldiers and police men are sometimes called 'gorillas'. The letters on Kerchak's helmet stand for Policía Judicial del Estado (Judicial Police of the State).And of course,Tarzan is using a typical Mexican police interrogation technique.
Jolly Heart is the name of the trained monkey from the Remi anime series —the original Japanese name of that series is Ie Naki Ko and it's based upon Hector Malot's novel Sans Famille (Without Family).Remi was a huge hit in Mexico in the '80s.
Pepe el Toro (Pepe the Bull) is the main character in the film Nosotros Los Pobres (We The Poor People).In that picture,Pepe is a carpenter that is a acussed of a murder he didn't commit.But when he's in jail,he stumbles upon the real murderer and angrily beats him until he confesses his crime by desperately yelling that «Pepe el Toro is innocent!».
Notas en Español
Este es otro de mis cartones favoritos,básicamente por que soy fan de Tarzan.
En México y parte de Latinoamérica,los policías y soldados violentos son ocasionalmente llamados 'gorilas'.Las letras en el casco de Kerchak significan Policía Judicial del Estado.Y por supuesto,Tarzan está usando una típica técnica de interrogatorio de la policía mexicana.
Corazón Alegre es el nombre del mico entrenado de la serie anime de Remi —el nombre original en japonés de esa serie es Ie Naki Ko y está basada a su vez en la novela Sans Famille (Sin Familia) de Hector Malot.Remi fue un gran éxito en México durante los 80's.
Pepe el Toro es el personaje central del film Nosotros Los Pobres.En esa película,Pepe es un carpintero que es acusado de un asesinato que no cometió.Pero cuando está en la cárcel,se topa con el verdadero asesino y violentamente lo golpea hasta que confiesa su crimen gritando desesperado «¡Pepe el Toro es inocente!».