The Thing —Johnny Storm,you piece of [CENSORED!]! Why did you destroy the Four Freedoms Plaza?!
Human Torch —Because today at a press conference Reed said we would start a war WITHOUT QUARTER against crime
Mr. Fantastic —Oh,the humanity!!
Invisible Woman —Don't cry honey,sure they won't delay in sending us some solidary help!!
Asti —That's what you think madam,you're all under arrest for owning a clandestine fireworks depot!
-Reason Nº 89 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...
Notes in English
As you can guess from this cartoon's last punchline,in Mexico there are strict laws about illegal fireworks depots.Still,authorities usually don't find them until someone accidentally make them explode.
Notas en Español
Como ya adivinarán por el chiste final de este cartón,en México hay leyes estrictas respecto a depósitos ilegales de fuegos artificiales.Sin embargo,las autoridades usualmente no los encuentran hasta que alguien no los hace explotar accidentalmente.