-Reason Nº 64 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...
Lois Lane —We finally found proofs that Lex Luthor killed Colosio,created the Fobaproa,that he was Salinas' boss and that he is the owner of Televisa...and you didn't capture him? Clark,what happened?!
Superman —Oh,What can I tell you Lois? He gave me some very ¢onvincing argument$...
Door sign —Latino-Luthor Tower
Lex Luthor —...I want to make the most of this press conference,and put forward my candidature for President...
Podium —Mega-Consortium Lexcorp-PRI-Televisa-Bimbo
Notes in English
Well,I guess everybody already knows the fact that in Mexico there're a lot of corrupt people —mostly businessmen and politicians.
Luis Donaldo Colosio was a presidential candidate that was murdered during his campaign in 1994.His murderer got caught but so far no one knows who plotted his death.
Fobaproa (FOndo BAncario de PROtección al Ahorro,Banking Fund for the Protection of Savings) was a government fund created in an attempt to fix some financial problems of the banking system during Mexico's economic crisis of 1994.But many corrupt government officers and businessmen mismanaged the Fobaproa money to get rich quickly.
Carlos Salinas was the President of Mexico from 1988 to 1994,and he was directly blamed for the already mentioned economic crisis.
Televisa is a big communications corporation that owns many TV channels,radio stations,magazines and sports teams.For many people it is also the typical example of a manipulative media corporation.
La Torre Latinoamericana (The Latinamerican Tower),also known simply as Torre Latino is a skyscraper in Mexico City's downtown.There was a time when it used to be the tallest building in the city.
PRI stands for Partido Revolucionario Institucional —that's Institutional Revolutionary Party.It used to be the strongest political party in Mexico.
And Bimbo is a huge baking corporation.
This cartoon became a prophetic one,as Lex Luthor did make a leap from corrupt bussinessman to corrupt politician when he became President of the U.S.A in 2000.
Notas en Español
Bueno,creo ya todo mundo sae el hecho de que en México hay un montón de gente corrupta —en su mayoría empresarios y políticos.
Luis Donaldo Colosio fue un candidato presidencial que fue asesinado durante su campaña en 1994.Su asesino fue capturado pero hasta ahora nadie sabe quién planeó su muerte.
Fobaproa (FOndo BAncario de PROtección al Ahorro) fue un fondo gubernamental creado en un intento de arreglar los problemas financieros del sistema bancario durante la crisis económica mexicana de 1994.Pero muchos funcionarios y empresarios corruptos desviaron el dinero del Fobaproa para hacerse ricos rápidamente.
Carlos Salinas fue presidente de México de 1988 a 1994,y fue culpado directamente por la ya mencionada crisis económica.
Televisa es una gran corporación de comunicaciones que posee varios canales de TTV,estaciones de radio,publicaciones y equipos deportivos.Para muchos,es también el ípico ejemplo de una corporación manipulativa de medios.
La Torre Latinoamericana,también conocida simplemente como la Torre Latino es un rascacielos en el centro de la Ciudad de México.Alguna vez fue el edificio más alto de la ciudad.
PRI stands for Partido Revolucionario Institucional —that's Institutional Revolutionary Party.It used to be the strongest political party in Mexico.
And Bimbo is a huge baking corporation.
This cartoon became a prophetic one,as Lex Luthor did make a leap from corrupt bussinessman to corrupt politician when he became President of the U.S.A in 2000