-Reason Nº 26 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...
Asti —Good morning Flash! Ah,by the way,watch your step as I've just waxed the floor!
Flash —Come off iiiiiiiiiiiit!
Sound effect & caption — >Darn it!< (remember this,kids:when falling down speed doesn't kill you but the sudden stop!)
Bucket —Property of JLA's Janitorial Cleaning Service
Notes in English
Accidents with slippery floors are not exclusive of Mexico,but too many Mexican janitors are specialists in cleaning floors exactly when other people need to walk over there.
Notas en Español
Los accidentes con pisos resbalosos no son exclusivos de México,pero muchísimos consejes mexicanos son especialistas en ponerse a limpiar los pisos en el momento justo en que más gente necesita caminar por ahí.