-Reason Nº 69 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...
Sign —TODAY! The Classic Among Classics!! Avengers vs JLA (drink beer and eat potato chips) —yummy-yummy!
Thor —These crossovers for raising the ratings are starting to bore me...
Superman —Yup...but what it's really starting to unerve me is that noisy baldhead...
"El Perro" Bermudez —A Rrrrreally nice shootout by Captein Am'rica! Right where the spiders spin their webs!
Spider-man —Watch it,you animal! That was an own goal!
Notes in English
In Mexico,El Clásico de Clásicos (Classic Among Classics) is the name given to the soccer match between the America Eagles and the Guadalajara Goats teams because of their old rivalry.Then again,it's not secret that said rivalry was created by the media and that it is used only for the ratings.
The bald man is Enrique "El Perro" (The Dog) Bermudez.He's a sportscaster with a deep voice and a peculiar,noisy accent that doesn't let him pronounce some vowels (hence his nickname —it is said he does not talk but barks).But besides that,he also likes to use a lot of invented words and funny catchphrases (like the one about spiders spinning webs) when reporting soccer games.
Notas en Español
En México,El Clásico de Clásicos es el nombre que se le da al encuentro de soccer entre los equipos de la Águilas del America y las Chivas de Guadalajara,debido a su ya larga rivalidad.En todo caso,no es ningún secreto que dicha rivalidad fue creada por los medios y es usada sólo para incrementar los ratings.
El tipo calvo es Enrique "El Perro" Bermudez.Es un cronista deportivo con una voz profunda y un acento peculiar y ruidoso que le impide pronunciar algunas vocales (de ahí su mote —se dice que más que hablar,ladra).Pero además de eso,le gusta usar muchas palabras inventadas y frases cómicas (como esa de los nidos de araña) al reportar juegos de soccer.