Asti —Are you taking Venom to a psiquiatrist for talking with his simbiot? But he does that all the time!
Samy —By placing a collect call? Let's go 'Venny'
Magazine —Legion of Super-heroes —rulez!
-Reason Nº 35 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...
Notes in English
Venom sure is a cool looking character but I never could think of him seriously because of that silly habit of his of talking with a simbiot that actually never said something.I mean,it's comics,dammit,why not putting speech or thought ballons showing what is the simbiot saying? Until they do that,I will think that Venom only talks with himself as any normal schizo.
Ah,and about the Legion of Super-heroes mention,it was just that I was enjoying a lot the series back when I drew this cartoon.
Notas en Español
Venom sin duda es un personaje con un diseño chido pero yo nunca he podido tomarlo en serio debido a ese bobo hábito suyo de hablar con un simbiote que nunca ha dicho nada realmente.Digo,son comics,caraxo,¿Porqué no ponerle un globo de diálogo o de pensamiento mostrando qué tanto dice el simbiote? Hasta que no hagan eso,siempre creeré que Venom sólo habla solo,como cualquier otro esquizoide normal.
Ah,y respecto a la mención a la Legion of Super-heroes es solo que estaba disfrutando mucho esa serie cuando dibujé este cartón.