Samy —ØØØHeigh-ho,heigh-ho,It's polishing what we doØØØ
Iron Man —But let me tell you something:it's such a drag that at every red light there's a brat with a cloth and bottle of soapy water!
Silver Surfer —I know what you mean...
Doriancito —Mr. Surfer,Would you be kind enough to stand up so I can wax your cheeks?
-Reason Nº 25 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...
Notes in English
In Mexico City,street children can't get jobs because they're too young,and because of that many of them choose to earn some coins by washing cars' windshields while they stop in front of red lights.Many car owners don't like them because children usually jump on the cars' hoods for reaching the windshields,and they don't usually ask first if you want them to clean your glass or not.
Notas en Español
En la Ciudad de México,los niños de la calle no pueden conseguir empleos dada su corta edad,y por eso muchos de ellos optan por ganarse unas monedas lavando parabrisas de los autos que se detienen frente a los semáforos en rojo.A muchos propietarios de autos no les gusta ésto,pues los niños usualmente se trepan sobre los cofres de los autos para alcanzar los parabrisas,y usualmente nunca preguntan primero si uno quiere que limpien o no el vidrio.