Asti —Whoah!
The Spectre —Oh my! This is not Dr. Strange's house!
Ghost —Of course it's not,you idiot Spectre:we got the wrong Ouija board again!!
Samy —Well,I've brought directly from Catemaco one of the real ghostbusters,Can he be of any help?
Shaman —Aaah! [Spirit,] Manifest yourself! [Spirit,] Manifest yourself! Kaleemaaah!
-Reason Nº 40 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...
Notes in English
In Mexico there are a lot of mediums and shamans —known as brujos ("he-witches").Some of them practice real native rituals,but most of them are just con-men that feel no shame in mixing pre-hispanic traditions with astrology,santeria,voodoo,hinduism and any other esoteric ideas.Anyway,most of them are said to be able to both summon and exorcise spirits,hence the 'real ghostbuster' pun.
Catemaco is a town in the state of Veracruz,famous for being the home of many brujos.
Notas en Español
En México hay muchos mediums y shamanes —conocidos como brujos.Algunos de ellos practican auténticos ritos indígenas,pero la mayoría son sólo charlatanes que no tienen empacho en mezclar tradiciones prehispánicas con astrología,santería,vudú,hinduismo y cualquier otra idea esotérica.Como sea,se dice que muchos de ellos son capaces de tanto invocar como exorcisar espíritus,y de ahí lo de 'verdaderos caza-fantasmas'.
Catemaco es un pueblo en el estado de Veracruz,famoso por ser el hogar de muchos brujos.