Bishop —There's no doubt:Charles Xavier died of a Viagra overdose!
Nightcrawler —Viagra overdose?
Wolverine —Yup,the dumb baldhead swallowed the pills with the jar included!
Cyclops —But I still wonder why he would need to use Viagra,What do you think Jean?
Jean Grey —Ø Uh? Ah! Er...I have no idea,Scott my darling!
-Reason Nº 38 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes...(...remember kids,always measure yourself,nothing in excess —except for comics,doughnuts and rock...)
Notes in English
I drew this cartoon right after the beginning of the Onslaught crossover.It was revealed in that storyline that Charles Xavier did have a crush on Jean Grey,so I decided to play with that idea.It was nothing new though,as it was subtly hinted before in other comics (then again,there was a time when Jean was the only woman in the X-men team,so all men around her had a crush on her).
Notas en Español
Dibujé este cartón poco después de que iniciara el crossover de Onslaught.En esa trama se reveló que Charles Xavier llegó a sentirse enamorado de Jean Grey,así que decidí jugar con esa idea.Que tampoco era nada nuevo,pues ya antes se había insinuado sutilmente en otros comics (ahora que por otra parte,hubo un tiempo en que Jean era la única mujer en el equipo de los X-men,así que todos los hombres a su alrededor estaban enamorados de ella).