Ghost Rider —Make way for the Spirit of Vengeance!! Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!!! —My,some people are really crazy! How come this guy is on the road with no safety belt? Outta the way,you nuisance!!
Microbus front sign —That's the way I am...So what?
Voice in the back —Getting off here!
Microbus ad —Drink Duff beer
Doriancito —Is that Ghost Rider? And his bike?
Samy —Oh,he changed it for that microbus as soon as he realized that with it he could get more respect and earn some extra money...
-Reason Nº 87 Why There Ain't No Mexican Super-heroes (driving microbuses)...
Notes in English
A microbus is a Mexican public transport.As its name suggests it's like a bus but in a smaller size that lets it move more easily in narrow streets and avenues.Microbus drivers are also known to be quite wild and crazy at driving,because they can move faster than common buses and they're big enough so the other cars don't mess with them.
And then,at least in Mexico City,motorbikes don't mess with cars.In fact,many car drivers don't respect bikers at all.
Notas en Español
Un microbús es un transporte público mexicano.Como su nombre sugiere,es como un autobús sólo que en un tamaño más pequeño,que le permite moverse más fácilmente por calles y avenidas estrechas.Los conductores de microbús son también conocidos por ser bastante salvajes y locos al conducir,pues pueden moverse más rápido que los autobuses comunes y son lo bastante grandes para que los demás autos no se metan con ellos.
Por otra parte,al menos en la Ciudad de México,las motocicletas no se meten con los autos.De hecho,muchos conductores de autos no respetan del todo a los motoristas.